Founded in 1998 by Gayle Dabal Potter, Small Business Applications acts as a “financing facilitator” for small businesses.

Gayle identifies and evaluates the data required to prepare the most effective loan presentation
for her clients. Specializing in US Small Business Administration and Community loan programs,
she has successfully secured loans for clients in numerous industries (Experience)

Gayle works in tandem with her client’s accountant and attorney to ensure the professional information is in compliance with lenders’ requirements. She assists clients throughout the entire process and protects clients from lenders’ unnecessary terms & conditions.

An accomplished small business owner, Gayle’s unique background in both manufacturing & product development in the fashion industry, combines 20 years of first hand experience in analytical ability and adaptability. By effectively working with senior lenders to obtain financial solutions since 1998, Gayle has further honed her closing skills.

Given her proven closing record in this arena, Small Business Applications is considered a “center
of influence” by SBA/Community lenders in New York, Massachusetts and Florida.